We are currently seeking Residential Development Opportunities throughout Essex and Suffolk.

Rose Homes for Life is our housing development business that evolved from the original family business of HL Rose, who started as a bricklayer some four generations ago. From humble beginnings we have grown and established ourselves as one the regions most highly regarded house builders. As such we have a proven track record of delivering a wide range of attractive and sought after developments that provide competitive returns for landowners.

Our experienced Development team have extensive knowledge of local planning policies & frameworks and have proven experience in guiding challenging sites through the planning system. We are well positioned to respond to enquiries promptly and will consider any site, whether greenfield or brownfield and regardless of current planning status. In addition to acquiring land outright we are also able to consider joint venture and partnership agreements. If you feel that you may have land suitable for development, please contact Alex Leader or Sam Brown on 01206 392613 or