Lawford Green Nursery Update
We are delighted to announce that, subject to the completion and handover of the new Early Years facility, it is the intention of Essex County Council to grant a lease to Lawford Little Pumpkins to run a 30 place full day-care nursery provision. Little Pumpkins intention is to extend their offer (currently 26 place) by providing a nursery provision from birth to 4 years of age, spread over four rooms. Three of the rooms will be based at Lawford Green, retaining their current setting on the grounds of Lawford C of E Primary School with their overall offer being 56 places. It is the Contracted Constructors and Essex County Council’s intention to complete the nursery provision by the end of 2021, enabling our opening January 2022.
If you are looking for childcare places from birth to 4, please register your interest by providing the following information by email (admin@lawfordslittlepumpkins.co.uk):
Name of child:
Name of Parents:
Telephone number:
Sessions required:
They will also begin advertising to extended our Early Years Provision team, to ensure they have the correct staff in place ready for the grade opening.
If you do have any queries please email them on admin@lawfordslittlepumpkins.co.uk