Health & Safety Policy Statement
Rose Builders Ltd and the Management Team recognise, accept responsibility and are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health that is appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the Company and to the specific nature of its risks and opportunities including the elimination of hazards and reduction of risks to workers. As such, these matters are given the same importance when making management decisions as other business considerations.
We strive to achieve this by the setting of corporate and local objectives for the continual improvement of our Health & Safety performance.
The Company has established, implemented and maintains processes for the consultation and participation of workers at all applicable levels and functions and workers’ representatives, in the development, planning, implementation, performance evaluation and actions for improvement of the Business Management System.
This Health & Safety Policy Statement is also communicated to customers and suppliers and is made available to other interested parties as required and appropriate.
We endeavour to ensure that our activities comply fully with all relevant UK and EU Health & Safety legislation, the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 and accepted best practice.
In pursuance of the above it is our policy, so far as is reasonably practicable, to:
- Safeguard the Health, Safety and Welfare of all employees and sub-contractors whilst at work.
- Ensure that persons who are not in our employment, but who may be affected by our work activities, both on site and off, are protected e.g. sub-contractors, clients, visitors, members of the public etc.
- Provide safe plant and equipment for use at work and to ensure it is properly inspected and maintained.
- Identify hazards associated with work activities, assess the risks and define the systems of work required to eliminate or minimise the risk.
- Provide the necessary information, instruction, training and supervision for employees and others who may be affected by hazards associated with work activities.
- Ensure that the work place, access to it and egress for it, is safe and without risk.
- Ensure that any substances and articles which are used as part of work processes are assessed for their possible effect on health and appropriate systems of work adopted for their safe transportation, storage, use and disposal and ensure that dusts, fumes, noise, vibration and other occupational hazards are controlled within safe limits.
- Ensure that provision is made for adequate welfare facilities for employees, sub-contractors and visitors.
- Involve the workforce in all aspects of health, safety and welfare and solicit their co-operation and assistance to create a safe working culture.
- Ensure that formal monitoring arrangements are adopted to identify hazards and to check on control measures and their enforcement.
- Ensure that consideration is given to dealing with emergencies, accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences.
- Appoint a competent person to advise and assist in undertaking the necessary measures to comply with the relevant statutory requirements.
- Workers are made aware of their ability to remove themselves from work situations that they consider present an imminent and serious danger to their life or health, as well as the arrangements for protecting them from undue consequences of doing so.
- The workforce will also be made aware of the outcomes of any investigations relevant to that person(s)
- Ensure all workers using mobile plant are CPCS / NPORS trained.
- Sub-contractors will be required to undertake, manage and generally cooperate in a similar manner, so that the requirements of their own Health and Safety Policy and our Health and Safety Policy are not jeopardised.
- The Company shall endeavour to improve its health and safety performance on a continuous basis.
- This Policy and the H&S Policy Document will be monitored, reviewed and revised at intervals as necessary, and at least on a regular annual basis.
All employees have an important role to play in helping to achieve the Policy aims and objectives; in particular by:
- Ensuring that their work is carried out, so far as it is reasonably practicable, with due regard for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- Co-operating with management and others to enable us to fulfil our legal obligations.
- Not misusing or interfere with anything provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare.
- Using equipment and materials properly in accordance with instructions and training.
- Reporting concerns, serious and immediate dangers and any shortcomings in the Company’s occupational health, safety and welfare arrangements to their immediate Line Manager.
Our general health and safety arrangements are set out in the Health and Safety Policy Document, and its appendices. These will be amplified and clarified by supporting documentation as necessary to meet our policy commitments.
S W J Rose
Managing Director
For and on Behalf of Rose Builders Ltd