Armed Forces

At Rose Builders we know that Reservists and Veterans have a variety of transferable skills and qualities that have been developed throughout military careers and are always very keen to hear from any servicemen and women, veterans or spouses that are interested in a career in construction.

We are also happy to pass on any advice that we can for those looking for their new career.

How to Apply

Please send your CV and covering letter by post or email.

To: Careers, Rose Builders, Riverside House, Riverside Avenue East, Lawford, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1US

Click here to send an Email > 

Assistant Site Manager (Housing)

Assistant Site Manager (Housing) Energetic, aspirational, Assistant Site Manager required ...

Groundworks / Civils Surveyor

Experienced and energetic Groundworks / Civils Surveyor required to join ...


We recruit a small number of apprentices each year and ...

Recruitment Agencies

Whilst we are flattered that you'd like to work with ...