
2022 ECTA Awards Lunch

The Essex Construction Training Association Awards held in December saw Ryan Austin collect the Outstanding Trainee (Brickwork Award) and we nominated Steve Ellis, the owner of SG Ellis Carpentry for the Special Recognition Award.  Steve is the owner of SG Ellis Carpentry and works for us as a Subcontractor with his own workforce.  Whilst Steve is enthusiastic about his own apprentices, we nominated him for the work he does with ours.

We have a number of apprentices at our Lawford Green site and Steve and his team absorb these apprentices into their works showing them a different side of the trade.  Steve is always enthusiastic in his approach with the apprentices and gives them a wide range of tasks. But it doesn’t end there he takes a real interest and will flag any protentional issues with the Rose team to try and help where he can. He has a straightforward, no nonsense approach when it comes to work that is so beneficial to our apprentices but he also supports them through the trials and tribulations of finding their way as apprentices and, in many cases, adults. We feel that it is important to recognise support and mentoring within our supply chain and this is a good example of it working well. In the past we have often shared contacts of those looking for apprenticeships and this too has worked well.

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